Łączna liczba wyświetleń

niedziela, 26 kwietnia 2015

21. Rita

My school
I go to school in Zgłobień. It’s big. There are 7 classroom in my school. There is an English classroom, a Science classroom and a Polish classroom. They are the biggest. Younger students have got their own classroom. We’ve got three interactive board. It’s really cool. I like them. In my school is gym. Play there  volleyball, basketball, football, handball. Also take extra lessons in PE. Our teacher is a PE teacher. It is very nice, cool and ... we love this lady. Competitions are held there with volleyball. We also have a room for computer science. It’s big. There is a twenty computers. My favorite class is class in Polish language. This is our class. Before the school is a big garden where we spend the break. Next to the school is a playground where children from kindergarten and not only can relax.

                I like this school!! J J

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